Memorial Day Classic 2025
to May 11

Memorial Day Classic 2025

  • Grant County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Great news! We have received our dates for the 2025 IEAHC Memorial Classic! May 8-11,2025.

Watch for more news to come over the next few months!

Thank you to Grant County Fairgrounds for letting us repeat our dates again this year.

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to Nov 18

Fall Clinic sponsored by IEAHC (Exact dates TBD)

  • Inland Empire Arabian Horse Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Inland Empire Arabian Horse Club will be planning a fall clinic in November! We would like everyone’s feedback on what discipline would be preferred.

A.) Pleasure/Hunter/Western

B.) Ranch Riding/Reining

C.) Sporthorse (In-hand and under saddle)

D.) Western Dressage/Classical

E.) Halter/Showmanship

F.) Other (Please specify)

Please send feedback and suggestions to

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2024 September Showcase AVS
to Sep 22

2024 September Showcase AVS

  • Bonner Country Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Be sure to mark your calendars the Emerald Empire Arabian Horse Club 2024 September Showcase AVS. We are excited about hosting this show offering a variety of classes for All Breed Open showmen as well as Qualifying classes for the beautiful Arabian and Half-Arabian horses. We are also offering all classes at truly value rate entries. Proceeds will help to send our Nationally recognized youth Judging and Hippology teams to National competition as well as funding a wealth of educational programs for area equestrians. To receive updates on the show sign up for our show mailing list use this link . For our tentative class list/schedule or more information about the show click here.

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11:30 AM11:30

IEAHC Club Meeting Minutes August 24th 2024

I.E.A.H.C Meeting Minutes Submitted by Sheri Boito Hibbs

Saturday August 24th, 2024

Rock Springs Ranch (Dawn Gray)

Meeting was Called to order by Sheri Boito Hibbs at 5:30 pm

• Attendance Record: (8) Members (2 Guests.

• Presidents Report: Sheri Boito Hibbs welcomed everyone Including new member

Cara Phelps. Everyone introduced and told us a bit about themselves.

• Minutes: No minutes from the club meeting,

• Sheri read the minutes from the board meeting that was conducted on August 14th


2024. The resolution put forward by Carol Rasmussen, regarding report of change of

ownership, was voted on by the membership. Of the 70 members, 35 responded

favorably, and 0 voted no. The motion to put forward the resolution was passed

unanimously. Carol has written up the proposal and submitted to AHA.

• Connie Arnold made a motion to accept the minutes, Chris Sprague 2 nd the motion.

All members voted in favor: the motion passed; the report will stand for record

• Treasurer Report was read by Kelsey Tallman, Connie Arnold made a motion to

accept the Treasurer’s report, Chris Sprague 2nd the motion. All members voted in

favor; the motion passed; the report will stand for record.

• Membership Report: Currently we have 79 members (72-Adult & 7-Youth).

• Youth Group Report: No youth group report


• Events/Education: 2 weeks prior to our club meeting, we sent out a poll on our

internet Facebook page as a few members also shared on their FB page. We told

them IEAHC is planning a fall clinic and asked for feedback on what discipline

would be preferred. They had a choice of

• A.) Pleasure/Hunter/Western,

• B,) Ranch Riding/ Reining,

• C.) Sport horse (in-hand & Under saddle),

• D.) Western Dressage/Classical,

• E.) Halter/Showmanship,

• Most replied Western Dressage, Melinda called and spoke with Jessica Wisdom

and from what Jessica told her, she is available the end of October. They discussed

her price (for 2 days), travel and accommodations. Melinda let Jessica know that

she was bringing this info to the meeting to get approved before we hire her. Melinda

brought the information to our meeting, and we had a long discussion about the

price, where it will be held, Fee for members, fee for nonmembers and giving

members a few days lead way to have a spot in the clinic.

Connie Arnold is looking into a couple places to ask if they would host our event. If

not, we have a member who will.

Kelsey Tallman made a motion to Move forward with Jessica Wisdom being our

clinician, our fee for members, Fee for non-members, and a 3-day lead way for

members to secure their spot in the clinic.

Dawn Gray 2nd the motion, all members voted in favor; the motion passed; the

report will stand for record.

• Delegates (Sheri) Sheri called a Board meeting August 15,2024 to discuss the

parameters around choosing delegates.

• Sheri made a proposal at the board meeting that attendance of club meetings from

January 1st until the time of nomination, Involvement with AHA shows or club

activates was to be the qualifier for being nominated as a Delegate.

• It was suggested the board review our Bylaws. The bylaws state that delegates are

to attend general club meetings, serve actively on a minimum of one club project

committee, and attend regional meetings. Since the bylaws were written, we no

longer have regional meetings for our delegates to attend. There were a few

suggestions from Board members to use for a final qualifier in choosing delegates.

The board nominated 6 that qualified.

• Kim Rasmussen,

• Carol Rasmussen,

• Angie Mckee,

• Connie Arnold,

• Melinda Corigliano

• Kelsey Tallman.

• It was suggested at our club meeting that we vote secret ballot to all club members

and announce the 3 delegates and 2 alternates at the sept 7th meeting everyone


New Business:

• Trail/Endurance: Connie may be planning a trail ride for members sometime in

September. She will post it on our club page and club Facebook page.

• Next Meeting Sept 7th, 2024

Many thanks to Dawn Gray for hosting our trail ride, Potluck and Meeting

Meeting was Adjourned at 6:30

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Trail Ride at Fishtrap
10:00 AM10:00

Trail Ride at Fishtrap

  • Inland Empire Arabian Horse Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Let’s go ride about 3 or so hours out at Fish Trap.
This is a mid week morning ride.

Foot in the stirrups at 10 am sharp.

Bring the bug spray for yourself and equine.

Shoes, boots or hard hoofed horses on this terrain.

We will park at the trail head shown on the map, which is southwest of the Miller Ranch house.

Bring some snack to share after the ride!

Questions? Comments? Contact Connie Arnold 509 475 1599

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T.A.I.L event during the IEAHC Memorial Classic Horse Show
12:00 PM12:00

T.A.I.L event during the IEAHC Memorial Classic Horse Show

Meet the Arabian Horse!

The T.A.I.L program gives adults and children of all ages the opportunity to learn more about the Arabian breed from educated volunteers. The tour will aim to encourage people to enjoy the breed and create a welcoming experience at the show.

Location: Grant County Fair Grounds. Moses Lake, Washington

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Ranch Riding Clinic with Doug Stewart
to Apr 14

Ranch Riding Clinic with Doug Stewart

Come spend two days with one of the country’s top Working western and all around horsemen. Our focus will be on Ranch disciplines and on Sunday we will add a session on reining. This Clinic is being hosted by IEAHC at FireSteed Farm. Stabling is available. Bring your own feed. Contact Pete or Carol Rasmussen for overnight stabling info. (509 ) 475-2878 Parking is limited, so let’s car pool. If a location with better trailer parking is located, this event might move. Sign Up Form Sign Up Form

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4-H Tack Swap
8:00 AM08:00

4-H Tack Swap

  • Inland Empire Arabian Horse Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This fabulous Tack Swap has over 15,000 new and used tack items!! The Spokane 4-H Tack Swap is a subcommittee of Spokane Co. 4-H Youth Development, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All proceeds and donations benefit youth in Spokane Co. 4-H Horse Project..

Our club will have a booth in the vendor section. Join in on a day of fun by shopping, mingling, and helping promote our club and the Arabian breed.

Additional information

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